10 Tips for Teaching Science at Home great article from iHomeschool Network
"Teaching" Science at Home - a nice PDF of ideas including curriculum choices
Free Science Curriculum
Science Videos
30 videos Eureka science videos here at AnimatedScience.co.uk - These are "old as the hills," but still goodies in my opinion! There is also a link to download the videos for offline use. You can also find these videos on YouTube as well.
National Geographic Science Videos for Kids
Science Worksheets

TLS Books free science worksheets
Links to many science worksheets sites from Gradebook.org
Science Notebooking & Foldables
The Art of Teaching Science with Foldables - quick presentation you can view at DocStop (without downloading) on the benefits of using foldables.
Center for Math and Science Education's Science Foldables/Organizers -loads of PDF files here from instructions to templates for specific science topics. Lots of neat stuff from basic blackline organizers to colorful more foldable type ones.
Glencoe Science Active Folder Inserts (foldables by a different name)
Teaching Science with Foldables
Science Experiments
National Geographic Science Experiments for Kids - Over 30 experiments.
Kid Science Experiments
Science Bob.com Science Experiments
Chemistry Experiments for Kids
Experiments at Steve Spangler Science
Writing in Science
The Science Essay
This page lays out a nice organized way to structure a science essay (introduction, body, conclusion) as well as examples as to what types of elements should be included in each part.
Science Writing: A Tool for Learning Science and Developing Language
RAFT Science Writing Prompts
STEM Writing Prompts
Creative Writing Prompts for Science
Third Grade Writing Prompts for Science
Science Writing Prompts & Inventions
This page lays out a nice organized way to structure a science essay (introduction, body, conclusion) as well as examples as to what types of elements should be included in each part.
Science Writing: A Tool for Learning Science and Developing Language
Writing Prompts
Science Writing Prompt CardsRAFT Science Writing Prompts
STEM Writing Prompts
Creative Writing Prompts for Science
Third Grade Writing Prompts for Science
Science Writing Prompts & Inventions
By the Topic
These are some resources I have made or found for some of the topics that we have studied in the past:
- Animals
- Atmosphere
- Atoms
- Clouds
- Conduction, Radiation, & Convection
- Eggs
- Energy
- Five Senses
- Food/Nutrition (where it comes from, science of, etc.)
- Heat Transfer
- Insects
- Layers of the Atmosphere
- Life Cycles
- Matter
- Living/Non-Living
- Nutrients
- Plate Tectonics
- Plants
- Temperature
- Water Cycle