Sums to 5

Resources to help teach the sums to 5.

We're working on our Sums to 5 and I have been gathering/making a few resources. This is not a very exhaustive listing just some of the ones I particularly liked (or made).

Sums to 5 Facts

(Excuse the formatting below, I'm learning how to code) At any rate, since I like to make my own printables, I like to have a list to use so I can make sure I have included all the target facts and I included my list here as a possible timesaver for others.
0 1 2 3 4 5
0+0 1+0 2+0 3+0 4+0 5+0
0+1 1+1 2+1 3+1 4+1
0+2 1+2 2+2 3+2
0+3 1+3 2+3
0+4 1+4

Online Practice/Games

IXL Sums to 5 Practice - there is a maximum number of problems you can try per day but it was just enough for us.

Add with Pictures, Sums to 5 (IXL, again there is a daily limit so you could really ony do the one above or this one in a day)

Add to Numbers up to 5 - not exciting, but some practice.


Add & Trace worksheets, 3 pages - TJ Homeschooling
My 5 year old wanted to do math problems like her older sister so I wrote some addition facts on the board which she happily did. But since I had been wanting to work on her handwriting of the numbers, I decided to make a worksheet where she could trace the answers since she was having trouble writing some numbers on her own.  It was a hit. (I put them in plastic page protectors so she could use a dry erase pen and reuse them). Then I noticed it looked like the little activity cards that you could take a clothespin and pin the right answer, so that's a secondary use of these if you cut out the the squares out.

Picture Number Sentences Worksheets - Mama's Learning Corner

Addition worksheets - sums to 5 (TLS Books)
