Indus Valley Civilization Learning Resources

Indus Valley Civilization (~  2500 BC-1200 BC)

These are some resources that I collected and used with my oldest daughters several years ago when we studied this ancient civilization.

“The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the world's first great urban civilizations. It flourished in the vast river plains and adjacent regions in what are now Pakistan and western India.” (

Teach India Project's Indus Valley Civilization

Article: “How the Indus Valley Sites Were Discovered;” videos, slide shows, stories, and games! Also links to sites such as and others, so this is a great one to start with)
Ancient's Indus Valley Presentation – read a story, explore, and play a game.

Teach Indus! at – classroom activities, articles, and other downloads

Around the Indus in 90 Slides (

Also visit's Ancient History section as he has loads of resources to learn about this civilization!

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