Introduction to Decimals
Very comprehensive and engaging video. A great introduction to decimals!Model decimals through tenths and hundredths
Modeling TenthsUsing place value blocks, have student build and record values from 1/10 and up (.1, .2, .3... up to .9), show what happens when 1 more is added to .9, and then continue with values after 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc)
Modeling Hundredths
Using place value blocks, have student build and record values with hundredths.
Tenths and Hundredths
- Tell which part is shaded worksheet (tenths)
- Identify the shaded value (multiple choice, several worksheets)
- Identify the shaded value (write in answer, several worksheets)
- Finding decimals on a number line
- Label decimals on number line - worksheet generator
- Write the shaded part as a decimal
Identify place values of digits
Compare and order decimals
- Comparing Decimals Worksheets (Math
- Determining greater or lesser value (which of the three choices is greatest or least)
- Comparing Decimals - given 4 number sentences with (>, <, = signs) determine which number sentence is true
- Comparing decimals up to tenths
- Comparing to the Hundredths
- Comparing decimals up to hundredths
- Comparing to the Thousandths
- Comparing decimals up to thousandths
- Order models from least to greatest
- Order the decimals from least to greatest
- Ordering Decimals Worksheets (Math
- Determine value of a decimal relative to half
Identify equivalent fractions and decimals
Express mixed numbers and improper fractions as decimals.
Round decimals to nearest tenths.
- Decimal Rounding Worksheets - (Math
- Rounding tenths to whole numbers - there are several worksheet versions to download
Add decimals
- Adding decimals with a number line
- Adding Decimals Worksheet Generator
- Adding to 1 - given a decimal less than 1, student determines which
- Convert horizontal math addition problem to vertical and add
- Tenths and hundreds addition - write vertically and then add
Subtracting Decimals
- Subtracting Decimals Worksheet Generator
- Subtracting decimals from whole numbers - worksheet generator
- Subtracting decimals with number line)
- Convert horizontal subtraction problem to vertical and subtract
- Tenths and hundredths decimal subtraction - write vertically and then subtract
Solve problems with addition and subtraction of decimals
- Adding and subtracting decimals - worksheet generator
- Adding and subtracting decimals- 10 worksheets
- Adding and Subtracting decimals word problems (20 worksheets)
Multiply decimals
- Visual multiplication - use grids to solve a multiplying by a decimal problem (multiply 1 whole number by a decimal)
- Visual multiplication - multiply one decimal by another decimal
- Placing Decimals - Given a problem and the product (without decimals), student determines where the decimal should be placed
- Multiplying Decimals Worksheet Generator
- Multiply decimals up to the hundredths
- Multiplying by Powers of 10 with decimals Worksheet Generator
- Estimating multiplication with decimals (multiple choice)
Solve problems with multiplication and division of decimals
Divide decimals
- Long Division with Decimals Worksheet Generator
- Division of two whole numbers (where the answer is a decimal)
- Mixed quotient long division
- Decimal long division
Mixed Operations
- Mixed operations worksheets (includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems in one worksheet (10 worksheets ))
- Multiply and divide by powers of 10