Here is a quick round up of some of my tried and true US Geography resources over the years....
Sheppard Software Online Games – learn the states, capitals, and geographical regions.
Animated States and Capitals (downloadable game) – “Learn the U.S. states and capitals. A full screen clickable map of the U.S. is used to teach names and locations of states and capitals in a variety of ways. When the student completes ten problems they are rewarding with a silly animation using 3D graphics.” Heads up: Now this is pretty old school so it may not work on newer computers, this has been around for some time.
Seterra (downloadable game) – “
Seterra is a geography program with 70 different exercises. With
Seterra you will be able to learn about countries, capitals, flags and cities You can test and improve your knowledge of world cities, capital cities, countries, geographical features, and flags.”
US States Flashcards – some of the best I have seen; packed with information. On one side is the shape, flag, bird, and mini regional map of where the state is. On the back, there's oodles of facts, such as the capital, nickname, size, etc..
US States/Capital Flashcards from Teacher Vision